Selecting the right lender is critical any time you’re seeking any kind of loan, but even more so when you’re considering a settlement loan to bridge your finances during a personal injury case.
Choosing the wrong lender can have a significant negative, potentially leaving you in a worse place than if you hadn’t applied for a loan in the first place. Your settlement can increase when your attorney has time to present the best possible case, and CaseMark Financial is committed to help you toward that scenario.
CaseMark’s Customer-First Commitment
The Key to the settlement loan process is providing approved applicants with their funds quickly. But some lenders drag their feet, processing applications slowly and leaving applicants scrambling to pull money together quickly to pay bill, or worst case scenario, fall behind on financial obligations.
CaseMark makes its customers a priority, handling every application promptly and typically providing an answer to an application within 24 hours.
We also provide each of our clients with a dedicated account manager who acts as their main point of contact and learns their particular needs and preference to provide custom tailored financial solutions.
This means you won’t speak with a new person each time you have a question about your loan. Your account manager gets to know you and your case to properly service your needs, keeping all of your case information organized and readily available.
Our Loan Application Process is Simple
Those interested in the settlement loans CaseMark has to offer can breathe easy knowing that our application process is simple, guaranteeing a response within 24 hours. Applying for a settlement loan with CaseMark also has no impact to your credit score, unlike traditional lending options.
We’re committed to ensuring all vital loan information is transparent and easy to understand. You don’t need to worry about extra costs, or hidden fees – everything you need to know is disclosed upfront.
CaseMark is committed to arming its clients with the knowledge the need to feel secure about their settlement loan, while easing financial concerns so they can shift focus to what truly matters: securing a positive outcome in their court case.